Blurring vs. Erasing. Not so much.

Hi friend, I’m spending my lunch hour writing to you. I realized something today about memories. You may know this already but this is a new discovery to me, so.. please allow me to gush about it. For months, I have longed for a way to erase certain memories. Or daydreamed  about a procedure thatContinue reading “Blurring vs. Erasing. Not so much.”

I Am Not a Writer. I Just Have Internet Connection.

For years, I have been deluding myself that I could actually write something worth reading. Must have stemmed from elementary and high school journalism classes I took. The truth is, I’m a better reader than a writer. But when it comes down to it, I simply enjoy reading without the requisite poetic waxing and overContinue reading “I Am Not a Writer. I Just Have Internet Connection.”

Game of Thrones 3 | A Smattering of Douchebaggery from an ASOIAF Book Fan

If you haven’t watched all of Season 3, stop reading to avoid spoilers. The last thing I want is some whiny TV fan complaining that this post ruined his viewing experience. Season 3 is a pivotal turn for the series with the Red Wedding being the biggest deal [breaker] in the War of the FiveContinue reading “Game of Thrones 3 | A Smattering of Douchebaggery from an ASOIAF Book Fan”